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Summer Fire Safety Drill

Summer Fire Safety Drill

August 23, 2024

Summer Fire Safety Drill

In order to enhance the fire emergency response capabilities of employees and improve everyone's summer fire prevention level, SENLAI recently actively cooperated with the local fire department to organize a summer fire safety drill.





The drill kicked off in the fire equipment display area inside SENLAI. The employees participating in the drill received fire knowledge training and learned how to escape and extinguish fires when a fire occurred. Afterwards, they conducted a real-life simulation in groups. During the drill, the fire emergency alarm sounded quickly, and the employees responded immediately, evacuated the fire scene in an orderly manner, and used fire extinguishers and fire extinguishing equipment to extinguish the fire. The entire drill process was highly tense and orderly.




Through this summer fire safety drill, SENLAI employees have a deeper understanding of fire prevention knowledge and improved their ability to deal with fires. They all expressed that they will strictly implement fire safety regulations in their future work, do a good job in fire prevention, and protect the company's development.


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